Jim McAuliffe, Todd, Glen Anders – Summer 2020
I am grateful that I had the opportunity to renew my friendship with Todd on our zoom calls as well as in person with his wife Donna this past summer. Ceci and I wish her well in this difficult time and our thoughts will be with her. RIP Todd. Jim McAuliffe
Very sad news, Steve. Thank you for letting us know. Bryan Dowd
Oh, this is such terrible news! Thank you for letting us know. Not going to get over this any time soon. 😢
Camille (Wells) Krolikowski
Such shocking news to add to the close of a very difficult year. Thanks for letting us know, Steve and how we might get in touch with Donna. Many thanks, Mike O’Keefe
Very sad to hear this. I remember the bottle of whiskey but a little voice said, “don’t go there”. We will all miss his LAFF Dan Metzler
So sorry to hear the news about Todd. Strength to Donna, his family, and friends. May his memory be eternal. Peter Polites
Our sympathy to Todd's family and friends and hope for their recovery from this shock. It is hard to believe that Todd could be gone after sharing time with him recently on Zoom. Terry Muirheid
This is shocking and unexpected news. Todd was one of the spark plugs of our monthly zoom gatherings and will be sorely missed. It is hard to grasp that this is real. Brenda and I will keep Donna and Todd's family in our prayers and ask for comfort and peace in this difficult time for the family. Tony and Brenda Paladino
This is sad news. It was very nice to see Todd on our Zoom calls after all these years. Best wishes to his family. Gordon Arnold
May Todd's soul find peace at God's side. May Todd's family find a way to move forward and to celebrate the time they had with Todd. May all of us still here be even more appreciate of a New Year! Paul Cropsey
So sorry to hear about Todd. I will post an obituary if one is posted in our local paper. This picture of Todd is from 2015. He received an employee appreciation award from the company we worked for. He was laid off the same day. Glen Anders

So sorry to hear about Todd's passing. I remember his wonderful energy in the lab at Tech. Sorry I have missed out on the Zoom calls this past year. I'll try to get back with you all this year. Allen Hoss
When the pressures of a design project started to weigh on us, Todd always had an infectious smile and laugh which never failed to encourage and raise the spirits of his fellow Tech lab rats. I know Todd will look down and encourage us from above with that same infectious smile and laugh. May his family find solace, in this time of sadness, knowing how Todd brought joy to all those around him. Barry Coyle
I'll never forget Todd's infectious, bellowing laugh nor the time, during a charette, he slammed a big old bottle of whiskey on the corner of his drafting board and went to work. This was mid-afternoon mind you. I don't remember how far he got that day. Eventually he was certainly DUI: drafting under the influence - not a good thing :-) RIP Todd. We lost a good one in you. Mike O’Keefe
We all will miss Todd's good humor and exceptionally good memory on our monthly Zoom calls. He brought light and laughter to our group both as a student and later as a co-worker and Zoomer. He will be greatly missed. Susan and I send our condolences to Donna and her family. Thank you, Bryan Dowd
Todd was always the renegade – funny, always ready to challenge “norms” – which “stimulated” those of us who worked with him on some of those team projects. I really enjoyed reconnecting with him on the zoom meetings (along with the rest of y’all) after so many years being out of touch. Some good reminiscing, and I’m thankful for the opportunity to see and talk with him again. I’ll never forget the marathon round trip drive to New Jersey to be part of his first wedding – most of the crazy stuff has gone foggy, but some good time memories remain. Steve, you probably remember more than I do about that trip. Todd, along with Charlie and sometimes I think Steve, would occasionally come to have dinner with Mary & me during a charette, then we’d all go back to the lab. Todd was a big hit with our kids, especially our son Rusty, who must have been about 5 or 6 years old at the time, and still remembers having a lot of fun with him. Mary and I will always think of Todd as a good friend, even though we have been out of touch for so long. Our sincerest condolences to Donna and family. Lee Cook
“Time is filled with swift transition. Grabbing life wherever he could, Todd made the most of his time here with us… learning, loving, and laughing…from teenager to septuagenarian”. Peace out. Bill Stanley

Steve and Todd – 1984 – Standing on the deck of an award winning home we designed. Mike O’Keefe will (should) recognize the home. He is the contractor.
Todd and I hit it off about day one at GT. We became very good friends and eventually partners in Corbet + West, Architects. There are many stories I could talk about our shenanigans at GT and beyond, but I’ll just do a few highlights. We loved to party at the office. Birthdays, Halloween, Twim da Twee at Christmas.
The best one we pulled was Todd’s birthday in 1984. I won’t tell the whole story, but we had a skit where we arrested Todd at the door to our reception room for drug trafficking. He was the head of the “New Jersey Connection”. We had Judge Hang ‘em High, defense attorney, jury, and Boy George as the prosecuting attorney. Needless to say, he was convicted and had to treat all to lunch.

Jury was “hand picked”

Defense attorney flanked by the arresting officers

The Defendant

Prosecuting attorney (Boy George) and Defendant
The whole skit took over an hour and everyone had a great time.

I had to include this classic Halloween dress up in 1985.
After we parted ways as a firm, Todd ended up in Virginia we lost touch until early 2020. We had started our Architect’s Zoom sessions and I was tasked to find him. I found him on Facebook as “Senior Architectural Designer at Todd D. Corbet, Architect”. Saw his picture and knew I had my man. Now if only the phone number was good…it was, and we chatted about 30 minutes. He joined in our Zoom sessions. A delight for all. We still traded verbal barbs like we always had done in the past.
Patsy and I Zoomed with Donna and Todd before Thanksgiving and reminisced about our times together in Atlanta and especially bragged about the grands. Laughed about Lee Cook, Charlie Longley, Patsy, and myself piling into Lee’s station wagon and driving non-stop to Toms River, NJ for Donna and Todd’s wedding. At the wedding reception, I took advantage of the open bar and let’s just say Bloody Mary’s got the best of me. I just sat in a chair with my head leaning against a hutch and just a bit out of it. I do remember Todd coming over to me and saying “Stephen, I’m sure glad you are having such a good time”. I remember nothing of the drive to Delaware the next day
Patsy and I send our condolences to Donna and family. Rest in peace my friend. I’ll sorely miss you and all the great times we had.
Steve West